From April 24th 2023
NHS dental charges 2023-2024 up by 8.5%
NHS dental patient charges have been frozen since December 2020, however, the government has recently announced that there will be an 8.5% increase on NHS dental treatment, taking effect from April 24th 2023, to cover the incremental operational and material costs due to the cost of living crisis. Similarly, the Independent treatment costs will be adjusted by the same increment to ensure all of our patients will receive the same quality of dental care. As a summary, the dental charge payable for a Band 1 course of treatment increases by £2, from £23.80 to £25.80. A Band 2 course of treatment rises by £5.50 from £65.20 to £70.70. A Band 3 course of treatment rises by £24 from £282.80 to £306.80.

Q. How much will I pay for my NHS/Independent Treatment if I am not exempted?

Patients who are not exempt from treatment will be required to pay one payment with a fixed rate according to one of the bands above. The fee is set for each completed course of treatment for one or multiple visits to complete the treatment.
If the treatment charges are not clear, please ask your dentist to explain and request a written payment plan.
Q. Who can get free treatment from NHS?
You are entitled for free treatment if you meet one of the criteria below:
- Aged under 18, or under 19 and in full-time qualifying education
- Pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months
- Staying in an NHS hospital and your treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist
- An NHS hospital dental service outpatient - however, you may have to pay for your dentures or bridges
You are also entitled to free dental charges if you or your partner, including civil partner, receive, or you are under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving:
- Income Support
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income-based Jobseeker's allowance
- Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
- Universal Credit and meet the criteria